
Free Webinars and Virtual Roundtables

Upcoming Webinars and Virtual Roundtables

Raving virtual roundtables are free group discussions and Q&A sessions that allow all participants to network, learn and benefit from the shared knowledge and experience of the group through moderated dialogue around a specific topic for the casino and hospitality industry.

Raving webinars are presentations, seminars or online workshops that you can attend from your home or office for free! Presenters will cover a specific gaming and hospitality topic and utilize audience polling, interaction and Q&A. View recordings of past webinars and virtual roundtables.

No upcoming webinars at this time. Please check back and make sure you're subscribed to receive event invitations.

Past Virtual Events

Raving Roundtable: Results of the IACSP Survey 2024

On August 13 @ 10 am PT, we gathered to discuss the findings of the fourth annual IACSP International Casino Surveillance Survey – a ground-breaking report for surveillance professionals in the gaming industry. Watch the webinar recording above for expert opinions and best practices. You can also download a copy of the full 2024 report.…
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Casino Insights Live! Data Analytics and Marketing Roundtable

Raving’s Data Analytics & Marketing Team – Trevor Taylor, Mari Mathewson, and Chris Archunde – answer some of the most commonly asked questions during this roundtable session. If you would like to chat with us about short or long-term Analytics and Marketing support, or a performance audit to benchmark KPIs, contact us today!    
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Raving Roundtable: It’s the Process Not Your People – Team Optimization Workshop

Raving’s Business Optimization team, Jeff Gray and Mason Gray offer tools to overcome common workplace pitfalls by breaking down complex processes into bite-sized steps for the whole team. Before the webinar, attendees were asked to share a workplace challenge they are experiencing today. Over 40 challenge areas were submitted (illustrated below) with over 30% of…
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Raving Roundtable: Connecting Marketing and Tribal Council – How to Present Contracts and Budgets

As a casino leader or marketer navigating multi-million-dollar contracts and budgets, tune in to this webinar to know what to present when you’re asking for approval on your plan or new software. During this interactive session led by Raving Partner Chris Archunde – who has successfully navigated the intersection of marketing, finance, and tribal governance…
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Raving Roundtable: Results of the IACSP Survey 2023

On August 15 @ 10 am PST, we gathered to discuss the findings of the third annual IACSP National Casino Surveillance Survey – a ground-breaking report for surveillance professionals in the gaming industry. The IACSP Board of Directors and its membership determined the need for a survey to identify best practices, optimal operations, structure and…
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Raving Roundtable: Casino Marketing

From the recent Casino Marketing & Technology Conference, we’ve gathered a list of the top questions asked by casino marketing teams across the nation. In this 60-minute roundtable, prepare to get answers! From customer acquisition strategies to digital marketing tactics, database management to loyalty programs, our team is ready to listen and answer. Didn’t attend…
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Raving Roundtable: Host & Player Development

Watch our 60-minute roundtable where we addressed the most perplexing questions in host and player development. Whether you attended the Host Player Development Conference or not, this session is open to ALL casino team members looking for candid answers. Our team is here to listen and provide valuable insights on a range of topics, including…
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Raving Roundtable: The Power of Guest Service

In this interactive roundtable, we cover the building blocks for turning your guest service program into so much more! When you add accountability, culture, reward, recognition and team member empowerment, the results go way beyond smiles and “hellos.” Janet Hawk – Raving’s VP of Player Development and Guest Experience and Melissa Jones, Team Member Development…
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Raving Roundtable: How to Attract F&B Talent and Support Your Existing Team Now

With the Leisure and Hospitality industry ranking highest for talent shortages and quit rate, how can we attract and nurture these in-demand positions? In this interactive roundtable, we open the floor to discuss solutions to the ongoing F&B labor shortage. Join us as we answer questions such as: What makes our restaurant a unique place…
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Raving Roundtable: Internal Theft and Fraud – What It’s Costing You Daily

In the recent IACSP Surveillance Survey, 94% of respondents answered Internal Theft and Fraud would be one of the biggest threats facing casino properties in the coming year. We see it more frequently, it goes on far longer than cheating and advantage play, costing properties on average 9 USD per day, per team member, to…
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Raving Roundtable: Results of the IACSP Survey 2022

On August 17 @ 10 am PST, we gathered to discuss the findings of the second annual IACSP National Casino Surveillance Survey – a ground-breaking report for surveillance professionals in the gaming industry. The IACSP Board of Directors and its membership determined the need for a survey to identify best practices, optimal operations, structure and…
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Raving Roundtable: Powerful Sales Techniques for Every Member in Your PD Operations

In this 60-minute roundtable, Raving’s all-star Player Development team, Janet Hawk and Steve Browne with a combined 75 years of PD experience, will introduce The WHO, WHAT, WHEN and WHY of selling in hospitality and gaming. Tune in to learn about the four key player categories and how to customize your sales approach to each…
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Raving Roundtable: Revolutionize Your Casino Operations

We all know the saying “time is money.” From long lines and slow jackpot payouts, to a broken customer journey or “call a host-itis,” broken processes not only cost our operations hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, but contribute to low employee morale and unhappy guests. Are you ready to revolutionize your operations? Watch…
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Raving Roundtable: Results of the IACSP Survey 2021

We gathered on August 12, 2021 to discuss the findings of the first IACSP National Casino Surveillance Survey – a first of its kind, ground-breaking report for surveillance professionals in the gaming industry. The IACSP Board of Directors and its membership determined the need for a survey to identify best practices, optimal operations, structure and…
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Raving Roundtable: Marketing and Promotions Strategies after Reopening

As casinos reopen, marketing teams face new challenges. How do you run successful promotions, while maintaining half capacity? Which marketing tools target high return customers over crowds? How do you promote safety and your brand? As our industry moves forward … it’s time to rethink Marketing and Promotions.
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Raving Roundtable: Essential F&B Restart Considerations

Join us for a group discussion with casino executives and industry professionals to protect your costs, protect your guests and deliver your “new and improved” F&B venue with confidence.
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Raving Roundtable: Public Safety

Join us for a group discussion with casino executives and industry professionals on how to ensure everyone feels safe, protected and confident that you and your team have installed new and superior safety features when you reopen.
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Raving Roundtable: Restart Campaign for Host and PD

Are your Hosts prepared to deliver questions about safety measures and account values? What plans are in place to jump-start communications once they get back to work? Do you have a quality list of targeted players, beyond VIP’s, to bring revenue back? Tune in for direct and professional thoughts, advice and Q&A on this essential topic. Raving…
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Missed a webinar or virtual roundtable? Email [email protected] to request access to the recording.

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